I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend! Today we have been VERY busy. We spend our morning adding money. We worked with $100, $10 and $1 bills adding different amounts. The students also took their first "official" math assessment with a grade. I introduced our spelling words and the students took a practice quizz. It should have been brought home with them and have a grade 1-4+ on it. I have given a bonus word, "frog". If a student spelled all 10 words correctly and they spelled the bonus word correct they received a 4+, otherwise the bonus word will be used to make up for any missed words on Friday. All of their spelling words are written in their planner. If you notice any words that your child missed on the quiz, please work with them so they can spell them by Friday's test. Today was not for an official grade, but it does give a guide for what they aready know. We are working on short "o" words in language arts this week and a short worksheet has been sent home with your children that should be returned tomorrow. A short side note, from now on, to save space in your child's planner, reading will be indicated with an "R", Language Arts will be indicated with "LA", Math will be indicated with "M", Science will be indicated with an "S" and Social Studies will be indicated with an "SS". Finally, I have designated a homework folder for your child. Each night they should bring the folder home. The left side of the folder should contain things that can stay at home. The right side is for things that need to be completed and brought back to school. If you have any questions please either respond to this post or email me.
Mr. Smith
Mr Smith - do you know where the parents found sturdy (hopefully plastic) pocket folders for class that also have the clips on them? Hailey's first folders were promptly shredded in her bookbag ... and the plastic ones are missing the clips on the inside. Feel like i'm looking for the Holy Grail! Are special colors required?
I'm not sure where they are now. I bought my son 3 at Walmart-Eastgate before school started, not sure if they still have any now.
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