First let me start off by saying WHO-DEY!!! Sorry, I'm a fan and you gotta be a little excited if you're a Bengal's fan. Today I passed out language arts text books, science text books and social studies text books. We read our first story for the language arts book aloud together in class. We discussed different ways to spell long "a" (ai, ay, a_e), we discussed what makes an island an island and different reading stratagies when reading names we don't know. We began our day with a moment of silence for 9-11, but I really didn't go to deeply into what happened that day, knowing that it may be more than most of them can understand or handle. Tomorrow we will discuss the scientific process in preparation for our first "Freaky Friday" experiment coming up Friday. This one isn't messy, but it's fun. Look for pictures on Friday afternoon! One last thing, some of you were having problems with seeing the homework links on Google Calendar. if you can scroll right and click on the agenda tab it is much better.
Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith,
Can you share the different reading stratagies on reading names we don't know?
Jenn Thornton
Sure! If they come to a name they can't read, they should look at the first letter of the name and substitute a name they know beginning with that letter. For example, if they are reading a text and a character's name is Maihli, they can substitute Mary or Marcy, etc. rather than getting stuck. The idea is that they can keep reading.
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