Wow! What a HOT DAY!!!! Your children did a MARVELOUS job of working in spite of the heat. All of them deserve and HUGE pat on the back for working so hard today. As posted below our meet the teacher night has been rescheduled for next Wednesday same time. I hope to see all of you there and I hope it will be MUCH cooler. Today we finished working on our classroom rules and tomorrow we will talk about logical consequences to breaking them. Please continue to encourage your child to read 10 minutes per night. Try alternating nights, one night should be read alone and the next night they should read to you. Try to ask them comprehension questions about what they read to you. It will go a long way in their understanding! By the way, our Geko's new name is George. "George" won with 15 votes!
Mr. Smith
How about adding "homework assignments" to the blog? How many friends is she to write about for the assignment tonight?
Homework is on the Google Calendar at the bottom of the screen. Click the blue "homework" button on the caledar for each day and you will be able to see the day's homework assignments. I will also begin sending home the students planner each day with the homework written in it. That way you can cross check what is written with what is posted here. Thanks for the question!
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