Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 16, 2007

Today we began looking more in depth at different terms that are used in social studies. Please review these terms with your child. They are found on pages 44-45 in their social studies book. Tonight's homework is to find at least one picture of each of these terms, cut it out and bring it in tomorrow. I showed them how to use Google images to find pictures. As much as it is possible, please allow them to explore this (with supervision of course) and find pictures to bring in. After finding and cutting out the images, please send them in in a Ziploc baggie. We will be making a collage' later in the week.

Mr. Smith


Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith,

Do you need anything sent in for their pizza party on Friday. We would be happy to help if needed! Plates, napkins, drinks, etc..? Just let us know.

Patrick and Tricia Jones

Mr. Smith said...

Thank you for the offer. I will provide everything.

Anonymous said...

What happens when a student forgets their homework at school and it is not done for the next day?

Mr. Smith said...

When a student forgets their homework at school, they are given the opportunity to complete it prior to recess if they finsih their class work first. If it is not done prior to recess, they are required to work on it during recess until it is completed.