Monday, October 13, 2008

Gaggle Email Accounts

I am sending home a letter regarding new email accounts that have been set up in your children. Before they can begin using the accounts I need for you to read, sign and return the introduction letter and permission letter. Also, if you have not done so yet, please send to school a list of approved email addresses for your children to write to. Suggested approved email addresses will immediate family, grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents, etc. I would like to keep this email address as private as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.

Mr. Smith

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

First, I apologize about the homework mix-up last night. I said page 5 but I wrote page 4 on the board. Your children got it right, I got it wrong. I didn't count that homework either way. We will go over page 5 later today. This week we continue to talk about exploring and long vowels. Don't forget as you practice spelling words tonight to remind your children that all of the words are spelled CVCe (consonant, vowel, consonant, e). This spelling pattern will help them to do well on the test. We've practiced it all week, so they should be pretty good at it! They will also be tested over their challenge words.

Mr. Smith

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 9, 2008

This week we will be talking about explorers in language arts. I will list the spelling words at the bottom of this post. I understand that many of the students are having a hard time finding the right time to copy them into their planners. Please check here every Monday and I will post them here as well. I am almost finished with all of the beginning of the year assessments and we are beginning to move at a little faster pace in the classroom. For the remainder of the week your children should bring home a sheet of paper with a math game to practice for homework. Please play these games with your children, they will help to reinforce basic math concepts. One last thing, please remember to send in snacks with your children. By lunch they are very hungry.

Mr. Smith



Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5, 2008

We had a great week this week. Considering the heat, I feel like we've accomplished a lot. We mad it mostly through the first unit of Language arts, even though we only had a 4 day week. Next week, we will begin a new story and a new unit. We did not have a spelling test this week due to the short week. We were also getting used to working at a good pace. Next week, small group reading will take place as well as DIBELS testing and finishing baseline testing for our new language arts books. Most of the children played subtraction war today and a few played war with coin cards. They had to add the money together on the card and decide who had the highest amount of money. Have a great weekend. The only homework this weekend is to read 10 minutes each night.

Mr. Smith

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome Parents and Students 2008-2009 School Year!!!

Parents and students,
I'm so excited for the new school year. This year this blog will be my main way of communicating what is going on in our classroom to you. I do not send home a weekly newsletter. If you are curious of what your child did in class today, just log on and check it out! Our Google calendar will be updated with specials schedules, lunch menu's, and most of the time homework. You will be able to log on and order your child's Scholastic books from here and build an online support network between families! You will also be able to find updated photos and at times videos of your children working in our classroom and abroad! I'm can't wait to get going!

Mr. Smith

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008